Now, I have some news about CAMUS. One bad and one good. The bad news is that part the spare version of the code is also damaged; so I will not be able to recompile the system. But the good news is that I found a disk containing an earlier version of CAMUS that wrote as part of my MSc thesis. The program is working but the interface is a bit cumbersome to use - it was prototyped very quickly for the purposes of convincing the examiners that the thing could function one day. Anyway, I think that is what is left for history. I am sending the program attached. Please see if it runs ok on your machine. If it works, then that is it; you can make is available in your Web site but I would like to ask you to add a disclaimer note explaining that this is only a prototype version, etc. In the next few days I will send you the documentation and a getting started user's guide. Best, Eduardo