Just uploaded some pieces using MOUSTERPIECE, an alternate Mouse Controller by Sonus. We have the demo program available if anyone wants to try it out. I have the "real" program, so I have been able to create my own custom templates with my own scales for each axis as well as continous controller parts programed, so when you go over a part of the grid, it activates the continous controller, in this case #10 which is panning. Nice stereo effects! Mousterpiece allows you to have THREE axis's going at the same time: x, y and Z. Z is activated by pressing BOTH mouse buttons. I had a scale programed on Z, so when I pressed both Mouse buttons, it was activated, and also changed as I moved the mouse around the grid. I also found a trick: If I press both mouse buttons down and start moving the mouse around, X and Y are controlled by Z's tempo, so you get an effect that sounds a lot like Music Mouses (laurie Spiegel). This midi file is an example of all the above. The previous file RAPID FALLS is mousterpiece going at a very fast tempo which gives the effect of "falling", thus the title. Both midi files were done LIVE! no overdubs were done at all, all using Mousterpiece, which shows what you what could do with it. I was basically "fooling around" so imagine if you actually try to "compose" something.:-) I would be interested if anyone tried the demo yet. It is rather limited, but you can at least try it out. Some warnings however: it does not work on 030 machines. Have not tried to see if SELTOS would work however. Also, it will only allow you to use the demo file, otherwise I would have posted my own templtes in the Zip. (darn) Sonus did atvertise that they created discs of templates. Wonder if those could be tracked down soemtime. This is an amazing program worth exploring. very different them MidiMouse Music or midi square. A lot more deeper. At the beginning of the month, I posted some preliminary info about it, which should raise some eyebrows. Put in Mousterpiece in the search engine for the message section on Atari-midi and you should find it. Tim