Tim Conrardy asks: >I have a Q. perhaps if i dig thru the manual I might find it, but you might >have the answer at the top of your head. When I am creating by scratch in FMST, I usually can get the first track to >produce a good many "bars" of output. But when I go to create my next track, >it winds up very short. > >How do I extend or make longer each track so it is more or less the same >length as track 1? I could do this from the menu with the extend/stretch >command, but that is not what I am after! > >It was a source of frustration a little, as I get this great line coming out >of track 2, but it stops short of track 1. Chris Sansom responds: Well, I think that's largely chance. The number of passes (by which I don't mean anything like MIDI events) is determined by multiplying up the number of loops you've set for the track - you can see them in the Check Passes window, from the Other menu (imaginative name for that menu, don't you think?). It would be nice if that window were editable, I know, but it ain't. However, the time each pass takes is purely a result of the fractal processing, so you can't actually predict the end result - but you can make sure you're in the same ball park, as I believe you quaint folks over there say. :-) -- Cheers ... Chris