>Is there a way to create a control sequence from just triggering off the >sequences in Open Play? I would like to do this with my Music Mouse and >Tunesmith ALL files. Yes. Environment->KCs 5.0 Features-> Record Open Mode Keystroke. Then go to the play screen, press return to start recording. If you want to automatically quantize your keystrokes, set align to on (it toggles with the delete key). This will force all sequences to start on a measure border. If none of your sequences have SM event, you can set this to any qunatize value you like. You can also make a one event non-looping sequence to change it. -- "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" -- Arthur C. Clarke I like to think that is true for art and music as well. Emile Tobenfeld, Ph. D. Video Producer Image Processing Specialist Video for your HEAD! Boris FX http://www.foryourhead.com http://www.borisfx.com