hello, imo this posting is an EXCELLENT addition to the tunesmith docs, and will considerably help people out when checking out the program. as unfortunately, the set options screen was described very (too) briefly in the docs. a big thank you to tim for writing and posting this!! a lot of questions have been answered by your text file! excellent! some questions (:o))))) hehehe), ideas,... : ----------------- > RUNNING STATUS:Strips out any redundent midi status bytes, thus > reducing the amount of data being sent. what would a 'redundant midi status byte' be? [SEE RunStat.txt explaining this.] ----------------- > PRESET CONTROL:Toggles the effect of the accomplaniment presets for > CHAN/PROGRAM/and TEMPO. yes. for example, if program is toggled on, program changes are sent from the current accompaniment presets, (if these presets contain program changes). so, you can disable the sending of program changes, if you want to try different ones, but you would have to be able to set this from your synth, then. also, you can save a (different) tempo in EACH accompaniment preset by toggling tempo on! ----------------- > STEPS PER MEASURE: Effects only the measure portion of the left > display.If set to 0, the left display will be replaced by a static > left display. which display the current them in microbeats. i have been wondering: it seems like you can NOT define steps/beat values, as in tigercub or kcs. (steps/beat is the resolution the program uses.) i think the resolution is always 24 steps/beat??? ( but perhaps if tunesmith is run within the mpe, then it uses the same resolution as the kcs?) ---------------- > THEME ALIGNMENT:Determines when a new theme will be executed. > (MBEAT/PULSE/THEME) mbeat probably means 'microbeat'. > TONALITY ALIGNMENT: Detemines the alignment of tonality changes. > EXAMPLE:If set to THEME: any changes in tonalty will be held untill > the end of the theme. > PRESET ALIGNMENT: Detemines the alignment of accomplaniment preset > changes.Same as example above. very important stuff! let's you set quantization values for changes, if you're doing a realtime performance, this might be very interesting! thank you, bye, gregory.