Just found out some HIDDEN FEATURES from close reading of the manual: COPY AND LOCK The accomplaniment generator has TWO hidden features which uses mouse clicks to get at them. 1. COPY: all the accomplaniment parameters (exept the staus of the Mute switch) may be COPIED from one voice to another by CLICKING on the Voice Number below the channel label.A dialog will appear in the display window asking for a destination track.The UNDO key will cancell the copy. This would be extremly usefull to enter parameters very quickly and also LIVE on the fly when the program is running for some interesting effects. 2. LOCK: Indevidual voices can be LOCKED OUT from preset changes with the Voice Lock feature. If you click on the empty space to the LEFT of a voice number, a funky icon will will appear in the space.This locks out that row of any preset changes. This is usefull to develope a "lead" intrument, and keep the settings that go with that instrument while you can change any of the other ones while the lead instrument remains uneffected. Tim